


BRUNO AGUILERA - Estoy interesado en todo lo relacionado a guinness o heineken ofresco todo tipo de breweriana de mi pais,absoluta seriedad y pronta respuesta.
RICARDO BOGGIANO - Quisiera contactarme con otros coleccionistas ya que estoy empezando mi coleccion y para que puedan probar mi cerveza ya que yo hago mi propia cerveza.
JORGE ALBERTO BONINO - Posavasos - Pins - Parches - Botellas de Aluminio.-
CAROLINA GARCÍA QUINTEROS - Estoy especialmente interesada en intercambiar posavasos, bandejas y vasos de cerveza. - I want to trade coasters, trays and beer glasses.
ALICIA MIGOYA - Todo tipo de articulos cerveceros.
DIEGO LOPEZ SARLI - Beer coasters, cans, glasses - I´m a breweriana collector from Argentina, I'm interested in trade coasters and glasses from South and Central America.
MARIO ROBERTO VERTONE - Mi interes reside en intercambiar o comprar de ser necesario todo articulo relacionado con HEINEKEN, ya que poseo una buena coleccion de latas, posavasos, encendedores, lapiceras, etiquetas, ceniceros, bandejas, etc. Ademas me interesan latas vacias sobre el tema automovilismo de todo el mundo.



BRON HOGAN - I have recently begun collecting Beer Post Cards and would be interested to trade beer coasters or labels for Beer Post cards. Please contact me if you are interested. -
BRYCE NORTON - All breweriana.
ASHLEY O'NEILL - I am looking for beer glasses, unique and limited edition cans and bottles, beer coasters and 5 litre kegs. I have a number of Australian coasters, cans and glasses for trade.
GREG SCOTT - Breweriana/labels/coaster.



PEDRO PALOMO - I look permanent to collector worldwide to exchange beerlabels,beercoasters and beerdropcatcher
BERNHARD ROITNER - I have 1000's of labels from all over the world to trade, much stuff from overseas, if you are looking for pre 1950-Austrian labels don't hesitate to contact me.



PHILIPPE ADAMS - Sous-verre et verres de bières belges.
- Sous-verre et verres de bières belges.
JOHN BARREZ - I am a collector of beercoasters and beerpins from ALL OVER THE WORLD ! I am specially looking for Belgian Export Beercoasters ( STELLA ARTOIS, HOEGAARDEN, LEFFE, ... ). I can give you beercoasters, beerpins, beerlabels, beerglasses, ... ! This is a serious message !! Please write me so we can help each other to complete our collection !!!
DIRK DE VOS - Very nice site. I am a collector of beerpins and looking for trading pins. -
JOERI HOUSEN - Hello there, I collect everything from brewery Achouffe - Achouffe Belgium, brewery Martens - Bocholt Belgium, brewery Sint-Jozef, Opitter Belgium. I also collect beer playing cards from all breweries of the world. Kind regards in advance,
ERIC MATERNE - Objets de la brasserie d' ORVAL.
ERIK RAEYMAEKERS - I collect everthing related to the Belgian beer: PALM.
NICOLAS SIX - Hi, I own several similar lithos of an old belgian brewery from around 1907. These are cartons of app 60 cm wideon 45 cm high. Extremely rare items, in color, describing the old brewery buildings. I can send you a pic of it if you are interested. I can also send it worldwide, very good for exchange if you are a collector.
MARC STRUYF - If you look for Belgium labels or crowns see on the site of the Belgium Label and Crown Service. -
2 McGahy Court, Templestowe VIC 3106
MARCEL VAN DE VLOED - Brewery De Koninck from Antwerp.
MICHAEL VERMEREN - Verres, étiquettes, bouteilles, pubs, sous-bock, matériel de brasseries principalement belges et de ma région Namur. Je recherche tout document ou infos sur les anciennes brasseries de la province de namur en vue d'étoffer mon site. merci -



ANTONIO MANO FILHO - Busco posavasos,tapas/chapas de cervezas, loterias, sobre de hojas de afeitar de todo el mundo. Doy em cambio lo mismo materil o otros itens coleccionaveis. I want coasters , caps crown, lottery, razor blades wrappers from worldwide. -
Caixa postal 6029-CPA II - 78050-970 Cuiaba Mt, Brazil
EDUARDO GARCIA - I offer brazilians labels for yours beer pins.
GIULIANO GRANDEZ - I'm so interested to change my stuff about beer of Brasil and other countries with another stuff. Thanks a lot.
CARLOS QUINTELLA - Brewerianas to exchange, sale, buy.... beer cans, beer labels, coasters from Brasil.. -



LUDMIL FOTEV - I would like to exchange beermats.



GERALD IVANY - Will trade with anyone from anywhere in the world.
RICARDO PLANO - Colecciono etiquetas de cerveza de America Latina, en especial de Colombia y Argentina. Tambien vendo de todo lo relacionado con el mundo cervecero en mi pagina web. -



CRISTIAN VERA - Soy de chile y ofrezco botellas de cervezas artesanales e indutriales, latas y demas articulos relacionados con la cerveza chilena a cambio de etiquetas.



HUMBERTO ARANGO - Soy coleccionista de Stickers y Posavasos de todo el mundo y quiero intercambiar con alguna persona que le interese.

Czech Rep.

Czech Rep.

DAVID KOREC - Hello, I collect used stamps but a could be able to find beer labels from my country for stamps.
JOSEF-JOE KRAMPOTA - I am 53.year old single man and fnatic collector of diffrent hobby collctor material-items.I will exchanging worldwide with collectors any-arbitrary hobby collector material-items or collectibles with mals or females of any age. I can correspond only English.Very I love collected beer mats and label, Ferrari items, Coca-cola, Civil aircrafts, post cards, pockt-calendars, used phonecards, gift cards, Sheets, FDCs, stamsp, tc!! Bye
LIBOR VOJACEK - Hello guys, Some new labels and coasters are added to my web albm. All for trade or sale. Just check for yourself on*beer-articles. There are some nice pieces like Mauritius, Pakistan, North Korea, Turks and Caicos , and more. I have some complete set of new labels from indonesian Multi Bintang brewery. Ask for pictures and info on -



CH CARTON - Je recherche des infos sur la Navy's Christmas Ale dont la brasserie a fermée en 1979, et aussi j'aimerai me procurer un verre de cette bière.Merci pour votre aide.
PIERRE ALEXANDRE CROIGNY - Bonjour, je recherche tout sur la GRANDE BRASSERIE MODERNE de Roubaix et TERKEN; Merci.
STEPHANE INARD - Je recherche tout objet de café ancien et plus particulierement les objets liés à la biére (brasserie du nord) ainsi que les jeux de café.
PIERRE-YVES QUEMENER - I'am collecting informations on bar towels (origins, history). I also look for bar towels for my own collection. This collection will be soon on line at (on line on march 2005). With each bar towel, i'll display informations on beer (or malt) and brewery. -



VIOLA GEISTERT - Passionate collector, which object, try to reach new specimen. Perhaps is a consigment some your beer mat possible. I thank in advance. With kinds regards.
Potschkaustr. 2 - 04209 Leipzig
WOLFGANG HERMANN - Schöne HP, weiter so......Hallo Trucksammler, bei uns findet Ihr jede Menge Trucks im Online-Verkauf schaut mal vorbei unter -
KLAUS KUHLMANN - Guten Tag, Ich sammle keine Bierdeckel, dafür Pins.
MICHAEL PRESCHER - Suche Biergläser und Bierkrüge aus aller Welt. Ich habe sehr viele Gläser Doubletten zu Tausch, darunter auch ganz seltene. Ich kann ebenso Bierdeckel im Tausch anbieten - I´m looking for beer glasses and beer mugs from all over the world. I have many dublicate glasses (also rare ones) I bought a big coaster collection and I can trade against glasses or mugs.
CHRISTIAN SELL - Since beginning of 1999 i am collecting beer trucks (models, scale 1:87) covered with advertisements Of breweries and soft drink producers. If you are interested in a list of trucks to exchange, please mail Me ! Thanxalot. - Hier ist meine Liste von Bier-LKW's. Sie ist noch nicht besonders gross, aber ich arbeite daran ! Bei Interesse am Tausch bitte Vorstellungen oder eine Liste (falls vorhanden) mailen !
Hauptstrasse 8 - 36414 Unterbreizbach
fon: 0172-65 118 93 / fax: 036962-20007



HANS HERVÉ - Bonjour d'Haïti. Après un long temps d'absence du à la difficile conjoncture chez moi, je vous rejoins aujourd'hui, par une autre adresse email pour renouer nos liens et reprendre les échanges... - Bouteilles & cannettes pleines, étiquettes & capsules - Cheers et bièrement Vôtre! Hans Hervé



SAMULE EINHAR - hi , i am asking to appear in 2 lists - 1 - beer glasses 2 - beermats. i have,by now, about 750 coasters and near 80 beer glasses for exchange. many are from israel, russia, check rep., germany, ireland, italy, belgium, holand, etc. my address is - 2 shlonski st. kfar sava 44404 , i s r a e l . best wishes and many thanks, yours...sam
YOSE WERNER - My collection has 14.000 beer coasters, From all over the world. And beautiful beer coasters, beer glasses, Bar towel beer,ashtray beer, from Israel for trading. I will be happy to trade beer coasters beer glasses. From your country. Sincerely, Yose Werner - My mail address: Yose Werner, p.o.b box:179 - Karmiel - Zip: 20100 Israel



MICHELE AIROLDI - Bicchieri, targhe, manifesti birra. -
BRUNO ALOI - Sottobicchieri, pins, santini.
ANDREA & CHIARA - Ciao a tutti siamo Andrea & Chiara, collezioniamo tutto ciò che è inerente alla birra, accettiamo proposte di scambio da tutti i collezionisti, vi apettiamo numerosi! - STIAMO CERCANDO DISPERATAMENTE I BOCCALI DEL BIERFEST DI GRASSONEY(AO) CHIUNQUE NE ABBIA DA VENDERE CI SCRIVA TRAMITE E-MAIL
FRANCO AZZOLINI - Lattine, fusti di birra 5 litri. Faccio anche scambio di sottobicchieri, tappetini, vassoi, bicchieri,etichette, fusti birra da 5 litri, tappi, bottiglie + collezione weizenper lattine o soldi.
ANDREA BIANCALANI - Birre e sottobicchieri. -
MARIO BOCCACCI - Sottobicchieri e bicchieri.
VINCENZO BORNEO - Ciao colleziono bicchier e sottobicchieri di birre da tutto il mondo, ho moltissimi doppioni e vorrei scambiare con gente malata come me di articoli per birra. Fatevi vivi per divertenti scambi.
RAFFAELE CALVELLO - Possiedo numerosi sottobicchieri, anche esteri, piú altro materiale sul mondo della birra, solo che non lo colleziono. Lo scambierei volentieri con materiale calcistico (biglietti stadio, cartoline, magliette, album, figurine, ecc.).Fatemi sapere: la risposta, velocissima, è assicurata.
PIETRO CASTELNUOVO - Bicchieri, latte smaltate, bottiglie, tappi, sottobicchieri, segnapunti della BIRRA PALLANZA; BIRRA SEMPIONE; BIRRA BORGOMANERO?; BIRRA LOCARNO (CH).
Via Matteotti, 56 - 28857 - Santa Maria Maggiore Vb cell: 3295465379
ALESSANDRO COLLETTA - Sono un collezionista ancora agli inizi. Ho 350 bottiglie di birra che non cedo e molti gadget (bicchieri, sottobicchieri, vassoi, posacenere ecc. da scambiare con bottiglie.
SIMONE COMOLA - Sottobicchieri, etichette, bicchieri.
NUNZIO D'ARRIGO - Etichette Birra; Sottobicchieri; Tappi Birra.
MAURIZIO D'ARRÒ - Bicchieri da birra italiani anni '50, '60 e '70 vendo. Anche vecchi Birra Messina e Birra Falcon. Controlla sul mio sito. Vendo anche lattine italiane europee ed extraeuropee obsolete e breweriana italiana in genere. -
SANDRO FABIANI - Sono di Napoli, cerco di scambiare vendere o comprare tutto cio che e birra contattatemi con e-mail senza dimenticare di specificare nell'oggetto "birra" grazie sono ancora agli inizi ma ho una collezione bellissima circa 300 bottiglie tutte catalogate.
FRANCO FERRETTI - Tappi corona - Scambierei sottobicchieri ed etichette per tappi corona.
SIMONE LAVAGNA - Colleziono boccali da birra di vetro da 1 lt. Sarò molto grato a chiunque potrà fornirmi sia materiale sia qualsiasi informazione riguardo dove poter recuperare altri boccali.Non posseggo materiale di scambio. Ringrazio anticipatamente per ogni tipo d'informazione mi verrà data.
PAOLO LE ROSE - Possiedo circa 9000 sottobicchieri ed ho numerosi doppi da scambiare,contattatemi!!
FRANCESCO LONIGRO - Bottiglie, tappetini, bicchieri - Se c'è qualcuno che mi vuol contattare per scambi sono ben disposto, ma la mia collezione purtroppo è ancora agli inizi, quindi non ci sarebbe tanto da scambiare, comunque sono disposto anche a pagare. Grazie.
ENZO MAGNANI - Sono collezionista di s/b da tutto il mondo ed ho tantissimi doppi per scambiare ho anche etichette,tappi e s/b da SAN MARINO - I'm collector of coasters from all the world and I have many doubles for exchange I have also labels caps and coasters from SAN MARINO-
LUCIANO MANDORINO - Lattine, sottobicchieri, bicchieri.
MARCO MANZONI - Per chi non lo sapesse oltre alle cose che avete in elenco da collezionare ci sono anche dei camioncini in scala 1/87 delle birre tedesche. Il catalogo ne riporta circo 14000 ed ogni 2 anni viene aggiornato. Chi volesse delle infomazioni a riguardo dei camioncini mi mandi una mail.
GIANNI MAZZA - Colleziono esclusivamente oggetti birrari Italiani ma scambio/vendo/compro sottobicchieri ed etichette di tutto il mondo.Visita il mio sito e vedi se c'è qualcosa che ti può interessare...I collect ONLY Italian Breweriana Objects but I buy,sell or swap beer coasters /beer labels from all over the world.Please visit my web site! -
MARCO MAZZOCCHI - Sono Marco di Piacenza, colleziono Bottiglie (vuote, pezzi 150), bicchieri in vetro (varie dimensioni, 160 pezzi), boccali in ceramica o terracotta(alcuni con coperchio in peltro, vecchi, alcuni marchiati W. Germany, circa 20 pezzi), inoltre sottobicchieri(250 pezzi) e altri gadget birrari. Contattatemi via e-mail se siete collezionisti come me, per discutere sulla birra e su tutto il resto! Se abitate vicino a Piacenza segnalatemi negozi, mostre, mercatini, dove possa acquistare nuovi pezzi per la mia collezione!!! Scrivetemi numerosi. Ciao a tutti, Marco. -
ANDREW MCDONALD - Ciao a tutti! Vorrei scambiare bicchieri e tappi per la birra. Cerco solo due tipi di bicchiere; i weizenbecker e le pinte.Ho molti bicchieri da scambiare,con forme diverse e tipi diversi. Se hai qualcosa che mi interessa mandami un messaggio. Ciao -
MASSIMO MONTI - Cerco calendari perpetui pubblicitari di birre, liquori, alimentari ecc. da comprare e/o cambiare
DAVIDE NEBUOLONI - Compro e scambio qualsiasi materiale inerente alla Tennent.
STEFANO PASSERI - Sottobicchieri e bicchieri.
SERGIO PERGETTI - BOTTIGLIE di SPUMA serigrafate da 1 Litro compero o scambio,anche con materiale birrario e non. Tel. 339 7211468
LUCA PEZZATO - Cerco vecchi vassoi, bottiglie, bicchieri e targhe metalliche di birrerie italiane.
RAFFAELE PINTO - Bicchieri, boccali e stivali di birra in vetro - Scambio,vendo i doppioni e acquisto quelli che mi mancano.
STEFANO ROSSINI - Cerco materiale Birra Forst
DAVIDE SERGIO - Colleziono cartoline della Birra di tutto il mondo. S'è qualcuno vuole scambiare con altro materiale: cartoline, sottobicchieri, ecc. Grazie a tutti Sergio
ANGELO SIRAGUSA - Scambio etichette birrarie di tutto il mondo, vendo collezione lattine di birra circa 500pz raccolte dal 1978 al 1990 circa. Inoltre sono interessato a tutto il mondo birrario in tutti i campi e settori, contattare Angelo Siragusa (Palermo) - 091.522941
DIEGO SIVIERO - Ciao a tutti, sono un collezionista di tovagliette da bancone di tutti i brand!!! contattatemi per scambiarne o venderne!!!! hello to everyone, I'm a collector of towel bars of all brand! Contact me to exchange or sell towel!
MARCO TRIPISCIANO - Scambio materiali da collezione e acquisto solo con immagini di breweriana. Disponibile a formare un club tutto siciliano della birra. -
ROBERTA VOLPE - Bicchieri, sottobicchieri, tappetini.
PIER PAOLO MARIA ZAFRANI - Sottobicchieri e oggettistica relativa a birre.



DAINIUS CERNIAUSKAS - Caps and coasters.
RIMAS GRUBLYS - Bieretiketten und alles was von Bier kommt.
ALGIS RUSYS - Fur mein glasser und offner sammlung suche standig sammelnobjekte aus ganzen welt. Als gegenwert biete derselbe + etiketten, deckel aus baltische staaten, Russia, Ukraine, Kasachstan. Jede mail wird beantwortet. Grusse an alle biersachen sammlern in der welt. - I trade labels, coasters, caps, glasses from baltic States, Ukraina, Poland, Russia.
ARVYDAS VAISIUNAS - I is Lithuania beer labels , coasters, caps collector. I collect phonecards too. I look swaping partners w/w.
Liepu; 32-2, 21383 Vievis, Lithuania



HANS MARIJNISSEN - Beerbottles and Glasses - Bottiglie e bicchieri.



DANIEL DE BEER - Coasters/Labels/Caps/Breweriana.
ERIC HAGERMAN - I collect old Dutch beer glasses, playing cards from Dutch breweries and all brewerania from the province I live in (Zeeland, south-west of Holland). Pins (speldjes) and key-rings are also welcome. I can exchange for old Dutch beerglasses, mugs, old coasters and other brewerania (some old Begian glasses are also available).
HANS MARIJNISSEN - Beerbottles and Glasses - Bottiglie e bicchieri.
ALLARD NEDERLOF - Hello, my name is Allard Nederlof, I am from the Netherlands and I collect beercoasters from all over the world. Besides taht, I collect beerhats from all over the world, no caps, but beerhats.
RENÉOUDE WESSELINK - I am looking for collectors of Hengelo bier from all over the world especially out of Italy.
PETER SEBRECHTS - I am looking for budweiser collectors from all over the world. Maybe to trade bud items.
GÉ VAN HARTEVELT - Freecards with the subject Beer.

New Zealand

New Zealand

GRAEME KING - Cans, labels, openers - Hi, I'm looking for New Zealand flat top cans. I've found that they are easier to obtain from the USA than they are here in N.Z. I've brought several over ebay auctions but if anyone has any please contact me. Also if anyone is after information on N.Z. cans plase feel free to contact me.



ARTEMIO R. ROJAS - Me encanta la pagina y me agradaria aparecer en vuestro listado de coleccionistas para aquellas personas que desen algo de mi Pais. - Etiquetas - Latas de Cerveza - Beer Cans!



JUAN JOSE VILCHEZ BACA - Colecciono etiquetas de cerveza de todo el mundo, tapas y posavasos. Tengo etiquetas de cerveza de mi pais Peru para intercambiar.



ROGER MONTALBO - I'm a new collector and have only four different coasters from the Philippines. I can also trade 20 different beer and non beercaps from my country. Please email me if you like to trade.



MARCIN BIENKOWSKI - Beer bar towels
MICHAEL GROSSMANN - Suche: Bieretiketten aus aller Welt (aber nur ein Etikett aus jeder Brauerei), alte Etiketten aus Polen und Brauerei-Pins - Biete: Etiketten aus Polen, alte Etiketten aus ganze Europa, Brauerei-Pins und Anstecknadeln.
ul.Nowowiejskiego 11, 62-041 Puszczykowo
KRZYSZTOF JURCZAL - I collect only beer coasters from Poland, Balcan states, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. I have coasters, labels and caps to trade!
JANUSZ MROZ - I'am 30 years old and I'am collector of beercoasters, openers and beer labels over the world. I collect since 14 years.I want to trade with you. If you are interested, please send me answer by e-mail or write to me by this adress:
Ul.3-GO Powst. ŚL, 2/1 - 41-303 DA;browa Górnicza - POLAND
JAN KASZKUR - Dear Friends, I collect beer coasters, labels and postcards(beer) from all over the world. If you have coasters, labels or postcards for exchange write me. -
ul. Konopnickiej 19/53, 38-300 Gorlice
WOJCIECH KRAJEWSKI - I very missing drop-catchers from breweries. I offering labels and coasters from Poland.
PIOTR PIOTROWSKI - I collect beer labels coasters and glasses from whole world and I have interested in exchange. I have labels, coasters,glasses to exchange. I'm specially interests beer memorabilia from South America, Asia and from little countries.If You want to exchange please write me:)



JARDIM TIAGO - Glasses, pins.
RUI AVILEZ VALENTE - Sou coleccionador de tudo o que está ligado a cerveja, o meu site foi construido por mim por isso tem alguns problemas. ostaria de poder trocar ou comprar material ligado a cerveja. -



FERENC DRANIK - I'm looking for L'Alsacienne and Zythone beer coasters, labels and advertising postcards, also advertising postcards of Absolut Vodka, Camel cigarette, Bacardi, Coca-Cola and different beer advertising postcards/freecards. In exchange I can offer Romanian beer coasters and labels and Hungarian, Russian, Polish and Slovak beer advertising postcards.



MISHEL ABLAVATSKY - I am the collector of beer labels and glasses from Russia. I am interesting with beer labels from any country.
OLEG KHAMIDULIN - I can offer beer cans, beer mats, caps, labels.
SERGEY NIKOLAEV - Do You want to change of beer caps and labels? My name is Sergey, I'm from Russia. My collection have more than 800 caps and 1600 labels of beer. I can send for You caps and labels of Russia and Byelorus, which (only caps) You can see in my page. I'd like to have the caps and labels from your country. -
IGOR OSANOV - Collect beer- labels, postcards, pins.  Please, write to my e-mail, if you're interest for exchange. Cheers!-



JOZEF PEKNUSIAK - I´ve started to collect beer labels, bottle-openers and corbels on 1985. I visit many beer meetings in various countries. I usvally exchange or sell beer labels /exotic countries. I want to exchange or buy bottle - openers and corbels. -
Dolinky 1335/5, 962 12 Detva



EDUARDO CASAS PESQUÉ - Tapones corona, posavasos (beer caps, coasters). -
JORDI CREHEUET - Jarras (mugs) de ceramica o barro.
JESUS GALLEGO DEIKE - Posavasos, latas - Coasters, cans.
CARLOS DUCE - Estoy interesado en cambiar posavasos europeos por resto del mundo. También tengo una colección de unas 350 latas de cerveza, algunas sin cerrar que estaría interesado en cambiar por posavasos.
ALBERTO ESPINOSA TELLEZ - Hola Colecciono Beer caps Tapon corona Botellas de cerveza serigrafiadas y PLACAS DE CAVA y deseo canviar con otros coleccionistas que esten dispuestos.
JOAN CARLOS GARCIA - Colecciono tapones de corona de cerveza. Puedo intercambiar por etiquetas. - Capsules/Caps/Chapas/Tappi/Crowns -
ENRIQUE GONZÁLEZ - Fantastica WEB!! Cada día mejor. Yo estoy trabajando en algo parecido que espero saldrá a la luz a finales de año. Animo!! -
XAVI HERRADON - Hola. Intercambio botellas por cualquier otra cosa relacionada con la cerveza que os pueda conseguir - Hi. I can exchange beerbottles for any other item i can get for u.
SERGIO LOZA AGUADO - Botellas, posavasos, chapas, latas y cristaleria.
JOSE MARIA MEDRANO - Etiquetas, Chapas y breweriana en general.
JUAN A. OLIVER - Cambio: botellas llenas, etiquetas, posavasos, cirtaleria, tapones.
MANUEL ORTEGA GARRIDO - Me interesaria intercambio tapones corona de cualquier bebida: cerveza,refrescos, lacteos, aguas, etc. Mi predileccion son las españolas, especialmente las viejas o antiguas, pero tambien las de otros paises.También colecciono botellas de cerveza española serigrafiada y por lo tanto también intercambio.
ENRIQUE GONZÁLEZ M. - Colecciono todo tipo de objetos relacionados con la cerveza. Dispuesto a intercambio por correo desde cualquier parte del mundo. Busco voluntarios para traducir la web a diferentes idiomas de forma desinteresada. - I collect all type of objects related to the beer. Arranged to interchange by mail from any part of the world. I look for volunteers to translate the Web to different languages from disinterested form. - Je collectionne tout type d'objets en rapport avec la bière. Disposé à échange par courrier depuis toute partie du monde. Je cherche des volontaires pour traduire le web à différentes langues de manière désintéressée. - Eu coleto todo o tipo de objetos relacionados à cerveja. Arranjado para intercambiar-se pelo correio de qualquer parte do mundo. Eu procuro voluntários para traduzir a correia fotorreceptora às línguas diferentes de formulário disinterested. - I collect all type of objects related to the beer. Arranged to interchange by mail from any part of the world. I look for volunteers to translate the Web to different languages from disinterested form. -
JOSEP PALOMARES SANCHEZ - Intercambio chapas y posavasos de cerveza. Trade crowncap and coasters.
SEBASTIÁN RAMALLO y ANA MARÍA PELÁEZ - Coleccionistas de artículos de breweriana (botellas, latas, posavasos, cristalería...). - Collectors of all kind of breweriana items (bottles, cans, coasters, glassware...). -
TRAFACH MARTINEZ PERE - Hola soy coleccionista de breweriana guinness en especial posavasos. - Hello I'm a guinness collectos in special beer mats, cans, labels etc.
LUIS GESE SABATE - Etiquetas, posavasos, pins
C/ Ap. Correos 6061, 50080-Zaragoza – Spain
RAMON SORT - Coronas (crowns) + posavasos (coasters) + pins.
ALEJANDRO VALIÑO - Sono interessato a bicchieri di birra di tutto il mondo. Posso offrire bicchieri e boccali spagnole nonché sottobicchieri, etichette e apribottiglie pure spagnoli. -
JOSÉ ANTONIO MARTIN YAGÜE - Busco copas (glasses) de algunas marcas famosas: Carlsberg, Bass, Fosters, Lite, Budweiser, DAB, Peroni, Schlosser Alt, Hossenroeder, Boddington, Marston... Tengo algunas para intercambiar.



BETTINA COSTA - Soy Argentina y vivo en Suiza. Colecciono posavasos de todo el mundo, y en especial de países exáticos. - I'm from Argentina and live in Switzerland. I collect beercoasters from all over the world, and specially from exotic countries. -
JULIE CHRISTIANE - Verre, étiquette, etc..
BORIS MARCHETTI - Mats from Switzerland and Italy. Worlwide labels.
SYLVIE KOVACS - Je cherche collectionneur de sous-bocks pour échange.
MARCO TALLERI - Birrerie del Canton Ticino (Svizzera): cerco lattine, sottobicchieri, bottiglie, bicchieri, materiale pubblicitario,... (es.Birra Lugano, Birreria Nazionale Locarno, Birra Bellinzona, Birra Rosian Faido,...).



RAIDEL ARBELAY Hola Colegas. desearia estar en contacto con los amados de la cerveza. desde Ucrania -



KEITH LARNER - Labels and tee shirts.
MICK PAYNE - 1000s of Beermats from all over the world, and lots of other breweriana, for Guinness breweriana.-



THOMAS BELOWSKE - I collect beer labels of the world, beer mats from the UK and any breweriana/ppoint of sale material from the following breweries Greene King Cotleigh and Wychwood in the UK, willing to trade.
BILL CONDO - Glasses, signs, mats, caps,etc.
RAYMOND DE NUCCIO - I was stationed in pirmasens, zweibrucken, fishbach and landsthul area, looking for park brau,had plant in zweibrucken, i have a group of ex mps looking to get pirminator the silver label winter brew, pils of reg would be fine,but location is problem cant find. any info tanks ray D.
HAROLD L. GEE - 1-Can and 1-Label from Every Country.
FRITZ HAUSMANN - Looking for any Hausmann Brewery memorabilia..
ROLAND LOFFREDO - I am building a collection of beer glasses from European breweries. I also collect beer labels, and coasters from European breweries and also have a collection of American micro brewery glasses, lables, and coasters. I'd like to expand my collection of European collectables. I also collect beer mirrors from European breweries.
MARK J. MATZENGER - Budweiser Beer Steins. -
BOB BEGLEY - I have been collecting bar towels for many years. Currently I have more than 2600 different towels in my collection and am always looking to add new ones. I have about 200 different towels available for trade. Please contact me to swap or sell. Cheers, Bar Towel Bob.-
BOB MILLER - I am looking for Beer taps that have Miami Dolphins on it. I believe that it is a Miller Lite Tap. Can anyone help me?
ROD MORRISON - I am looking for Scottish beer t-shirts, especially McEwans.
SCOTT T. REINHART - I have pins and buttons, labels, and coasters to trade. I collect worldwide.
WALT SOROKA - Labels, crowns, signs, coasters.
DAVE VON - Does anyone know about Stag Beer? I believe it was brewed in Duluth Minnesota by Peoples Brewing. As I grew up in Duluth, I collect beer stuff from there and would like to hook up with other Duluth collectors.